Recommendation from May 18, 2015
- Common Policies Focus Group has been created to develop a more common structure among member libraries for circulation policies.
- The concern where member libraries are borrowing other library material for their displays and keeping for long periods of time.
Recommendation from February 26, 2015 minutes
- SEO in-person support hours have been changed to 8 am – 7 pm M-F, 8 am – 5 pm Saturday and 11 am – 5 pm Sunday effective July 1, 2015.
Recommendation from October 23, 2014 minutes
- Fee Review Committee moved that starting Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) accepts option #7 which is a tiered plan with a base rate beginning at $3,000 plus .5% of the total operating fund.
Recommendation from August 21, 2014 minutes
- The number of renewals increased from 2 to 4.
- Due to an increase of multiple/duplicate records in the system a Cataloging Focus Group was created to review the policies for things such as special features, director’s cut, sub-titles.
- The committee agreed to continue the Catexpress fee structure as is and the Novelist breakdown for Fiscal Year 2016, but wanted a vote from membership where majority rules for Ebsco Discovery.
Recommendation from February 28, 2014 minutes
- SEO Consortium purchased One Call Now (telephone alert system). This messaging system will allow unlimited calls to 200 numbers in the event of system announcements and news.
- Consortium agreement and contract language changed in the event a participating library terminates and needs additional time beyond anniversary date, a pro-rated fee will be negotiated between both parties.
Recommendation from September 9, 2013 minutes
- The committee formed a Finance committee to make recommendations on how to proceed with any type of increase.
- Non-members ILL annual fee will increase from $500 to $1,000 starting July 1, 2014.
Recommendation from June 28, 2013 Special Advisory minutes
- Freeze client counts at the current level starting July 1, 2013.
- SEO will purchase Novelist the first year and the membership will purchase using a formula based on library size.
- The committee agreed to change the wording of the Principles of Cooperation to state that libraries can improve, update or correct information such as, phone numbers, addresses, but cannot delete another libraries card.
- The committee recommended to include in the Principles of Cooperation language that if less than 1/3 of the membership is purchasing new formats such as games, they will not be required to circulate them throughout the membership.
- A demonstration of streamlining location codes. Each library will be contacted separately.
Recommendation from January 11, 2013 minutes
- Introduced a way to simplify by making the location code more broad and the use of the item category or the more granular local library location needs.
Recommendation from August 12, 2012 minutes
- The committee agreed that all members shall purchase eContent. A Memo of Understanding will be sent to each library director to complete and sign indicating their current collection budget and pledge amount.
Recommendation from January 30, 2012 minutes
- Hold shelf limit changes from 9 days to 7 days