The uptime percentage is based on 12 months of data.

The services are monitored at 5 minute intervals.

Please click the refresh button to get the most recent status.

Status Monitor Name Uptime
down BCMobile (SEO Libraries App) 0.000 %
down BLUEcloud Analytics 0.000 %
down Enterprise Catalog 0.000 %
up SEO Email Service 99.997 %
paused SEO Internet Gateway (VPN) 73.376 %
up Symphony Cloud Services ** 99.827 %
Updated at 5:06 am
  • **SEO Internet Gateway (VPN)monitors Internet connectivity at the State of Ohio Computer Center (SOCC). If down, libraries will not be able to use “” as the IP Address in the WorkFlows client. SEO will send instructions via the SEO-UPDATES listserv on how to connect to WorkFlows in this event
  • **Symphony Cloud Servicesmonitors SirsiDynix Cloud environment. If down, libraries will not be able to access WorkFlows or use any SIP2 services (e.g. PC Reservation, Self-Check, OverDrive).
  • **Web Services this could include communication errors with Enterprise and BCMobile (SEO Libraries App)