June Open Office Hour

Greetings, The next Open Office Hour will be June 21, 2023, at 2 pm. The team will be presenting Cataloging Tips, Tricks, and Maintenance. Afterward, the team will be available for any questions you may have about WorkFlows, Delivery, and BLUEcloud Analytics. If you are unable to make it to the meeting, it will be…

SEO Notice of Scheduled Maintenance – Symphony WorkFlows

Greetings SEO Members, WHEN: Monday, May 29 – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm WHAT: Symphony WorkFlows WHY: Rebuilding indexes to include Reading Program information in keyword searches. IMPACT: During this maintenance, bibliographic data should not be loaded, created, or edited. Item searches may return inaccurate results. Please Note: Placing holds on Enterprise and the SEO…

SEO Security Bulletin – PaperCut MF/NG Vulnerability Announcement

Greetings SEO Members, Vulnerability Summary The PaperCut Print Management software contains a vulnerability (CVE-2023-27350) that could allow attackers to remotely execute code with administrative privileges, thus making it possible to deploy the Clop ransomware and encrypt files on the compromised systems.  This vulnerability was discovered in March, 2023 and promptly reported to PaperCut who disclosed…

April Open Office Hour Video Available

Greetings, The April SEO Open Office Hour video about Offline Mode is now available. It can be accessed on the SEO Staff Tutorials Niche Academy page. Please mark our calendars for June 21, 2023, at 2 pm for the next Open Office Hour on Cataloging Tips, Tricks, and Maintenance. The meeting link will be sent…