There are a few locations that the SEO team wanted to provide updates.
Byesville Branch of Guernsey County (GCB)
The library will be closed starting Monday for renovations. Materials owned by GCB will not be holdable during this period and are shadowed in the Enterprise catalog. For materials to be returned to GCB, please send them to Guernsey – Crossroads Branch (GCT).
Logan County Libraries – Knowlton (LOG)
The main location of Logan County Libraries is closed due to a broken sprinkler line. This location provided centralized delivery to all their branches and delivery had been ceased since the end of December. However, beginning Tuesday, the West Liberty branch will be processing any backlog and new delivery. Please continue using the same delivery label to send materials. Also, there are a few transit items that were packed and placed in climate control storage which are not accessible. The library staff is apologetic for the additional transit times for these items. They will be sent as soon as staff has access to them.
Chatfield College & Over-the-Rhine Branch (OCC & OCF)
These locations closed in mid-December. Please destroy any labels for these locations. If an item is returned that belongs to one of these locations, please send it to SEO.