Good morning:
The initial upgrade/migration process of Enterprise is complete. The system is currently being indexed now, and we hope to have it fully operational in the next hour.
From: Stewart, John
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:24 PM
To: Stewart, John <jstewart>
Cc: ‘’ <seolib>; ‘’ <seocat>
Subject: UPGRADE NOTICE – Enterprise Search and Discovery Catalog
Importance: High
Hi everyone:
Quick reminder, SEO will be working with SirsiDynix to begin a two-step upgrade of your Enterprise Search and Discovery catalog starting tomorrow.
Step 1 – Enterprise 4.5.1 Upgrade – August 15th :
- We are scheduled for an Enterprise 4.5.1 upgrade starting early Wednesday morning – 15 August with an estimated start time of 1:30 AM. We estimate this upgrade will take between 2 to 4 hours to complete ( ENTERPRISE WILL BE UNAVAILABLE AT THIS TIME).
- Post Upgrade, approximately 1 hour, consulting work by the upgrade engineer to fix the standard CSS themes and profiles impacted by the upgrade (ENTERPRISE WILL BE AVAILABLE DURING THIS TIME).
Step 2 – Enterprise 5.0 Upgrade/Server migration – August 17th :
- We are scheduled for an Enterprise upgrade early Friday morning – 17 August with an estimated start time of 3:00 AM. The upgrade/migration process is estimated to be 4 to 6 hours to complete.
- Post Upgrade, approximately 1 hour, we will work with a consultant to resolve any custom widget modifications that may be needed (ENTERPRISE WILL BE AVAILABLE DURING THIS TIME).
Updates will be communicated to the listserve as necessary.
Why are we upgrading:
Merchants and partners use HTTPS to securely connect with PayPal’s servers. PayPal requires the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to encrypt these communications. To ensure the security of PayPal systems and adhere to industry best practices, PayPal updated its services to require TLS 1.2 for all HTTPS connections. At this time, PayPal will also require HTTP/1.1 for all connections. This went into effect on June 28, 2018. The change impacted member libraries who utilize PayPal for accepting online payments.
From: Stewart, John
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 5:09 PM
To: Director’s
Subject: UPGRADE NOTICE – Dates to remember
Importance: High
We wanted to provide information on some important updates that will be happening soon.
Key dates for upgrades:
- Symphony 3.5.3 Upgrade – August 13th
- Upgrade information and instructions provided to the Director’s
- Enterprise 4.5.1 Upgrade – August 15th – Step 1
- This upgrade was not planned but needed to address Paypal payment issue (see notice below)
- Enterprise 5.0 Upgrade – August 17th – Step 2
- This upgrade was not planned but needed to address Paypal payment issue (see notice below)
Announcement to member libraries using Paypal 7/3/2018, Sent by Donald Winland:
This is to notify you that PayPal payments made to your library after June 27 will have to be manually removed from the patron’s record in Workflows.
We became aware today of a change made by PayPal that took Sirsi and hence SEO by surprise.
The change implemented on June 28 by PayPal requires a higher version of java to be running on systems using their payment platform than we have in our Enterprise version.
We have requested an upgrade of Enterprise for next week and are waiting for a confirmation date for this to be implemented.
What this means for the libraries:
Log into your PayPal management account.
Any payments PayPal records from June 28 forward will need to be manually removed from your patron’s record in Symphony Workflows.
From the patron standpoint, the transaction does go through without any signs of a problem from PayPal.
However, their balance is not updated in Enterprise or Workflows.
Once the upgrade is performed, payments will work as normal.
I will post that upgrade date once it is confirmed.
John Stewart
Information Technology Supervisor, SEO Library Consortium
State Library of Ohio
40780 Marietta Road, Caldwell, Ohio 43724
Phone: 1-877-552-4262
Fax: 1-800-446-4804
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