Hello everyone, Your SEO team is happy to announce the launch of our newly designed Member Information Portal site. Visit us at https://servingeveryohioan.org. We wanted to make sure the new portal was faster, responsively designed, easier to navigate, and more user friendly. Our goal is to provide our visitors with an easier way to learn about SEO services. The new site gives better access to Our Story, Benefits of Joining, Who We Are, Services, Support, and Our Team. Amongst the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to foster improved communication with our customers. We will continue to update our content for improved service. I want to thank our fantastic team: * Project lead - Michael Postlewait * Committee members - Misty Wyscarver, Janice Bond, Val Weaver, Jay Miley * Reviewer - Jessica Dooley from OPLIN, formerly Adams County Public Library Please let us know any feedback or concerns you have to ensure we continue to serve you well. Regards, John Stewart