The holidays are here and so are the Hackers.
Historically, Thanksgiving to mid-January is the most intense time of hacking in the United States.
The increase of emails and online shopping websites makes this a perfect time to Hijack Browsers – Phish for Passwords – Spear Phish with Attachments – and Spoof who is sending the email.
We continue to have libraries reporting fake emails claiming to come from SEO or our email provider, such as the one below:
If ever in doubt, please give us a call.
Thanks to those of you who report these to SEO
Fake email below:

If you ever believe your email account maybe compromised, simply change your password.
Want to keep 80% of hackers away, do these 3 simple things:
- Make sure your Windows computers have the latest updates applied
- Make sure your Software on the computer has any needed updates applied
- Make sure you know the name ( if any) of the antivirus software that is on your computer and keep it updated
The internet has lots of free courses to educate one on the nature of email hacking: here are just a couple
1. Microsoft: How to protect against phishing attacks – Windows security | Microsoft Docs
2. Lynda.com: Avoiding phishing scams – Avoiding Phishing Scams Video Tutorial | LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com
3. Security HQ: 10 Top Tips How to Detect Phishing Scams | SecurityHQ
Let us know if you have any questions
Your SEO Team