Greetings everyone,
This email is to inform you of an upcoming upgrade of the Symphony system to version 4.1.0 on Monday, February 19th, 2024
Services that will be impacted during the upgrade from 3:00 am to 9:00 am:
- SIP Services (Overdrive – ODL, Self-check, hoopla, LinkedIn Learning, PC Management, Hold Lockers, etc…)
- Enterprise Holds
- Symphony Workflows Access
- SEO Libraries App – SOLUS
Upgrade Instructions will be made available as soon as we receive access to the new 4.1.0 Symphony Workflows client and do some testing in-house.
The SEO Team will provide two options for your library to upgrade your staff workstations.
- Some locations may choose to upgrade staff workstations at the close of business on February 16, 17, or 18, depending on your library’s hours of operation. This is the preferred method to prevent any possible delays Monday morning. If your location chooses this option, they must not reconnect to the Symphony Server until Monday morning after the upgrade has concluded, or they may downgrade the client software to the previous version.
- Some may choose to upgrade Monday morning upon connection to the system. You may experience some delays with the upgrade process depending on how many locations select this option, as the updated client will be installed upon login to Symphony Workflows.
This release includes several bug fixes, security, and feature enhancements that the SEO Service Teams will review after the upgrade for future use by members.
A few feature enhancements include:
- Sort item-level holding list by consortium group
- Blank web browser screen when viewing XML reports
- Patron address in user search results
- Item glossary for Item IDs in Manage Hold Shelf wizard
- Security Changes Capabilities
- Named Users
- Masked PINs
- PIN Policies
- PIN Retention Policies
- A holds count based on search result criteria (Active, Cancelled, Expired, Suspended)
Your SEO Team