Hello, all.
Today the SEO team will be working on re-opening holds for the SEO Library Consortium.
By the end of the day, you will see SYSTEM range holds on the OnShelf Wizard report, and all cooperative hold groups will be reverted to your location’s original group.
Today, the OnShelf Wizard will continue to be updated each hour. Beginning tomorrow, the wizard will display holds dynamically.
Since system range holds have been halted, there have been over 120,000 holds placed and not yet filled. Once holds are resumed, there will be a large number of items on the OnShelf list over the next few days. The SEO staff understands that these large lists will be overwhelming and encourages library staff to fill what they can with the resources available. If you cannot complete an entire OnShelf list, the holds will continue to be on your list or go to another list to be filled. This process will take time and does not need to be completed immediately. The Pickup Library column will continue to be available on the OnShelf Items Wizard to help prioritize your library holds.