WorkFlows Indexing, Hat Wrapper, Item Group Editor Issues

Greetings SEO Members, After several days with NO issues, we are now experiencing an indexing problem in Symphony WorkFlows where certain (newer) titles cannot be accessed, checked out, and/or searched.  You may experience issues with Item Group Editor if editing newer titles.  You may receive such errors as Hat wrapper error Heading keys need to…

WorkFlows Indexing, Hat Wrapper, Record Locked Errors

Greetings SEO Members, We are currently experiencing an indexing problem in Symphony WorkFlows where certain titles cannot be accessed, checked out, and/or searched.  You may receive such errors as Hat wrapper error Heading keys need to be indexed first Bibliographic record is locked for text update SirsiDynix is aware of this indexing issue and is…

WorkFlows Indexing, Hat Wrapper, Record Locked Errors

Greetings SEO Members, We are currently experiencing an indexing problem in Symphony WorkFlows where certain titles cannot be accessed, checked out, and/or searched.  You may receive such errors as Hat wrapper error Heading keys need to be indexed first Bibliographic record is locked for text update SirsiDynix is aware of this indexing issue and is…

*New* Niche Academy Tutorials

Hello everyone, I’m happy to announce that 5 new tutorials have been added to your Niche Academy profile. OverDrive Libby Spanish version- All videos have Spanish subtitles, and all text is in Spanish. Research Essentials- This four-part series shares tips for critical thinking, gathering sources, and summarizing research.  To access these tutorials, visit your online…

Symphony Upgrade Complete – End of Day Summary

Good Afternoon SEO Members, Overall, the Symphony upgrade was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who reported odd behavior, issues, and their success stories. Summary of upgrade events from today that have been resolved: Email Checkout Receipts buttons disappeared HotKey program stopped working Custom labels reverted back (e.g. User Cat1, Cat2, etc…) Manage Hold Shelf…

You’re Invited to the Upcoming SEOHUG Virtual Event!

Join us at SEOHUG 2021!     Join your fellow colleagues and SirsiDynix for the biennial Serving Every Ohioan User Group Meeting on May 12th, 2021, from 10 am to 3 pm with an hour lunch break – virtually! Presenters will cover the topics consortia users are most interested in learning more about, including Enterprise,…