Featured Tutorial- The EBSCO Discovery Service

Hi everyone, I wanted to send this email to share with you a tutorial you may not have seen. Using the Catalog to Find Articles and Journals.  You may know and refer to it as EDS or the EBSCO Discovery Service. This tutorial is available to patrons and staff in the Niche Academy slide bar in…

Holds Update

Good morning, everyone. This morning the last batch of holds were converted from the GROUP to SYSTEM range. Holds are now functioning as normal. For those of you who are interested in some numbers, since July 20: 226,581 holds were changed from GROUP to SYSTEM range; and 133,468 of those holds ended up on your…

SEO Service Center Phone System Maintenance

Greetings SEO Members, The SEO phone system is getting multiple software & hardware upgrades today.  The phone system may need rebooted several times and as a result your call may be dropped.  We will do our best to minimize any outages.  If you are unable to reach SEO staff and if Symphony Services are offline…

SEO Holds Update

Good afternoon, everyone. SEO had originally planned for holds to resume functioning as normal on Monday, August 10, 2020. Due to the number of pending holds within the consortium, returning holds to the SYSTEM range is taking longer than expected. The new target date is now Friday, August 14. If this date changes again, SEO…

WorkFlows Connection Disruption

Greeting SEO Members, There is a service disruption at the State of Ohio Computer Center (SOCC) where our VPN connection is hosted.  If you are having trouble connecting, please use cloud.backup.seolibraries.org as an emergency WorkFlows connection until this service disruption is resolved.  Simply enter cloud.backup.seolibraries.org in the Host information IP Address field in the WorkFlows…

Holds Update

Good morning, everyone. Today, SEO has started to change holds back to the SYSTEM range. You will begin seeing holds for other locations on your on shelf items list. Please fill and send these holds to the appropriate location. As a part of this transition, the Pickup Library column will be removed from the On…

Updated Plan to Resume Consortium Holds

Good morning everyone – The Plan to Resume Consortium Holds document has been updated to reflect that Priority Dispatch is picking up and delivering materials. Phases 1 & 2 have been combined. The projected date of July 20, 2020 to begin releasing holds into the SEO System will remain the same. If the timeline is…