WorkFlows Connection Disruption

Greeting SEO Members, There is a service disruption at the State of Ohio Computer Center (SOCC) where our VPN connection is hosted.  If you are having trouble connecting, please use as an emergency WorkFlows connection until this service disruption is resolved.  Simply enter in the Host information IP Address field in the WorkFlows…

Request from SEO

SEO would like to make a request of our email users; If you have not changed your email password in more than 3 months, NOW would be a good time to change your password. Over the last few months several hack attempts have been sent to email users The membership has been great…

Fake Email Claiming to be from SEO

We have received several reports of email hacking attempts that have been sent out to our users. The bogus email claims to have a voice message from SEO that it asks the user to listen to by clicking a link. PLEASE DELETE THE EMAIL. Please DO NOT click on the link “LISTEN NOW”. Most…